In today’s era, the entire world has gone digital. Almost every business that you see has at least a website and a social media page, if not more.
The majority of people rely heavily on advanced digital tools to do business and communicate with each other. Almost every industry is using these digital tools to increase its productivity and efficiency. But where these tools have helped us, they are also a way for hackers and scammers to get to us. They can find creative ways to crack our security and infiltrate our networks. They can also steal tons of confidential and personal information they later use for their nefarious purposes. They could even leak it all online or hold a company hostage and ask for ransom. That is why cybersecurity is more critical now than ever. You might think that you have a small business and aren’t of any interest to hackers, but that is not the case. All companies, large or small scale, are under the constant threat of being hacked. According to research, there is a cyber attack happening every 39 seconds. And ever since we entered the age of the pandemic, these attacks have risen 300%. That is a whopping figure which cannot be ignored.
That is why you have to pay special attention to your company or organization’s cybersecurity measures. Here are some practical ways to keep cybercriminals, hackers, and scammers at bay:
Corporate-level Education
Take a survey about cybersecurity in your company. You will be shocked to know just how much your employees don’t know about cybersecurity. In 2021, you cannot live without ensuring that all your employees are adequately educated and trained about cybersecurity. And that includes you too. You can go for online cyber security masters to learn the ropes and essential preventive techniques. You should also ensure your employees get ample training and education and remain up to date. Additionally, ensure that this is not a one-time thing. As cyber threats evolve, so should you and your employees.
The Right Cybersecurity Tools
Another thing just as important as proper education is the use of the right cybersecurity tools. Make sure that you have the most innovative, advanced tools and technologies such as 5th kind to protect your company. These include antiviruses, penetration testing tools, network defense tools, encryption tools, and more. Please find out the right tools as per your needs and implement them as soon as you can. Once you decide which ones you want, remember to train your employees about them.
Security- A Foremost Step:
Almost every business is at the radar of cyber attacks and it is essential to take care of website security. As a primary security standard, SSL certificate is worth considering security protocol for a website. You can either go with a single domain or any other SSL certificate. There are multiple SSL providers who offer the best deal on SSL certificates. If a website requires subdomains then, you can find a low-cost or cheap wildcard SSL certificate for the website. The same goes with a single domain or multi-domain SSL certificate.
Establish A Fraud Management System
Every business is vulnerable in terms of online security and safety. Unfortunately, some business owners still think they’d save more from not hiring any experts to take care of their business’s safety. However, the expenses and damages these entrepreneurs experience can be far more extensive once their security is compromised.
With this in mind, regardless of your business’s size and success, you should consider fraud prevention through fraud management solutions. Building such a system makes you one step ahead against potential fraud threats and allows you to be in charge of your security, along with your chosen security experts.
Cybercriminals act fast as they can adapt quickly to safety methods employed by their target businesses. Therefore, hiring security professionals to guide your fraud management system helps you update your processes regularly, guaranteeing your safety from updated cyberattack strategies.
When establishing a fraud management system, here are some fraud prevention tips you should implement immediately:
- Safeguard your business and personal bank accounts
- Perform an employee background check
- Set up fraud prevention training for your employees
- Assign appropriate financial limits to each staff
- Implement internal controls, such as segregation of duties and documentation
- Conduct auditing regularly
- Know your customers and business partners
- Update your antivirus software regularly
- Consider purchasing a theft insurance
Most importantly, establish a clear procedure to follow in the event of fraud or a cyberattack, and disseminate it to everyone in the company. Having a plan in mind can prevent panic reactions and impulsive decisions from you and your employees.
Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for Remote Work
Even before the pandemic hit, many companies were thinking about sending their employees home and asking them to work remotely. Then Covid-19 happened, and everyone started working from home. And the situation is still the same. It means that you and your employees will be working from home for some time now. According to one report, more than 40% of employees access confidential business information over an unsecured network. They do this through various applications. That is the reason why it’s a good time to invest in a VPN for your data protection. A good VPN will encrypt the data you receive and send online, and you and your employees will be the only ones accessing it.
Set Powerful Passwords
This one should be pretty obvious. When you read this, you might be rolling your eyes. But, unfortunately, it is still a big problem. Many people do not realize the importance of a well-thought-off password. They still keep passwords that they can easily remember. These include their names, their children’s names, anniversaries or birth dates, and more. Make sure that you educate your employees about the password setting guidelines. These could be:
- Don’t use any personal names or dates.
- Don’t use simple combinations like 12345, 111111, or qwerty.
- Make sure that you use a combination of capital letters, small letters, and numbers.
- Use at least one special character.
- Keep different passwords for different accounts.
- Use two-factor authentication.
- Change your passwords every three-four months.
Update Your Digital Systems
Again, this one is surprisingly obvious, but many businesses don’t give it the required attention. They even go months or years before updating their applications and systems. If you want to save your business from cyber threats, make sure you don’t do the same. Update your system as soon as you receive the notification for it. It goes for all the tools and apps you are using as well as your operating system. One way hackers gain access to your system is by using a bug in the previous versions of the system.