Welcome to the big, wide world of search engine optimization (SEO). If you’re running an eCommerce business in 2021, you’re probably familiar with the term — it’s an area of digital marketing that involves creating good content, improving your website experience, cleaning up your code, and building backlinks to give your page a boost on […]
10 Steps How To Launch Prosperous WordPress Website
In modern business realities, having a website is a necessity as most of the operations take place online, and people prefer looking for information, checking the assortment, and even buying services or products on the Internet. Over past years, online shopping and services like “do my homework” are thriving and there are no signs the […]
The Importance of Competitive SEO Analysis
If you have a blog site and you would like to publish content weekly, you must note your content’s ranking with your competitors’. Invariably, various sites utilise competitive SEO analysis to outrank their competition in a particular niche and provide better quality articles that vividly emphasise the best keyword placements. Check out the following crucial […]
4 ways to improve your online performance
Marketers will tell you that there are numerous ways of doing this; social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization, to name a few. However, the biggest channel by far for most businesses is their website.
8 Ways on How to Drive Traffic to your E-Commerce Website using SEO
Almost every business has joined the online bandwagon. The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically influenced this. To make this transition easy, companies must open websites or pages which are called E-Commerce. Electronic Commerce or E-Commerce is the act of doing business online. It is crucial to observe the Covid-19 guidelines of social distance and not use […]
What is Data Driven SEO?
SEO stands for ‘Search Engine Optimization’ and data-driven is a term that refers to the process of cultivating and analyzing different forms of data in ways that would then help you achieve a certain goal.
5 Best Magento Extensions That Can Boost On-page SEO
Magento has gained great popularity in the e-commerce market and is an unsurpassed e-commerce platform, which allows business owners to increase revenues and focus on a greater number of recipients around the world.
Why is SEO certification critical to excel in digital marketing career?
It is a well-known fact that the Digital Marketing field is one of the most dynamic fields today.