Social Media is all about sharing and many of us will be sharing moments, media, tips, tricks, and much more while at the ESRIUC in San Diego, CA. the following are some useful resources and tips to help with your ESRIUC Social Media experience… feel free to comment with your tips
The UC Insider
This is the official ESRI blog, providing updates, news, tips, and news from the Esri team. you’ll get the latest info on special sessions and events, as well as insider information to help make your UC experience more enjoyable and productive
Tips for new attendees
IF this is your first time make sure you do a little homework. Read a few helpful articles, like this article from esriuc insider blog – and be sure to sign up for the conference orientation provided by Esri – you can get information how to do this when you check-in. hopefully you arrive on Sunday or earlier, if so, spend a little time on Sunday walking around the SDCC and get the lay of the land.
Take advantage of the great social activities that are planned by team Esri… always fun and well run, these events will always be packed with attendees (you already all have something in common) and you’ll likely also be able to score some free food and drink! Must attend social activities include the Monday Night Map Gallery event, Canada night for you Canucks (invite only this year), family night on the exhibition hall floor, and the fabulous Thursday night party ion the park. See also the 2010 ESRIUC San Diego Gaslamp Bar, Restaurant & Night Club map
ESRIUC Twitter @esriuc
Be sure to follow the Esri UC team on Twitter to get immediate tips and updates on conference activities. You can even set up your Twitter preferences to receive immediate notification on your mobile whenever an update is posted.
This is not an official-Esri sponsored event, however, the UC Tweeters are all buzzing about it and it will be fun! Sunday night at Dick’s last resort at least 50-100 GIS Tweeple will meetup and have some pre-conference fun at this second annual Tweet-Up – see details
Use the #ESRIUC hashtag and Checkin with foursquare
IF you plan on posting blogs and Tweeting from the conference, be sure to tag your tweets with the official event hashtag #esriuc so others can easily find your tweet. Consider also using a client like Tweetdeck, seesmic, or hootsuite and add a column specific to esriuc tweets so you can easily browse all the twitter activity flowing in from the SDCC. Consider also checking in periodically using foursquare. The app will tweet you location and help you provide useful information for others that may be following you. For example, when I see a ton of people swarming to Dick’s on sunday night and checking in with foursquare I’ll know that something is up! See more info
Take photos – lots of photos (and video)
Everyone totes a camera around with them, either a nice digital SLR or perhaps your smartphone camera is good enough. If so, be sure to Tweet a periodic photo via TwitPic and also, make sure you archive your photos on flickr and tag your photos with the "esriuc" tag so peopel can find them. There’s also a group pool on Flickr at where you can include your photos to share with others. For myself, I’ll be posting tons of photos, some of them will be auto sent to Flickr and Twitter and I’ll also use apps mobile apps like Qik, Tvider, 12seconds, and uStream to share live video from the UC! A useful mobile app for those of you wanting to share media from your mobile is PixelPipe… check it out!
Social Media Lounge
Last year ESRI provided a social media lounge on the exhibition hall floor where attendees could kick-back in a comfy chair, plug-in and tweet, blog, or even have a face to face chat (kudos to ESRI). There was also a large plasma LCD in the lounge streaming the ESRIUC twitter conversation via TweetDeck. very handy. perhaps next year a few more screens around the convention center will be available to enable more people to follow the conversation. ESRI also provided a large area in the hall at the plenary session where bloggers and Tweeters could sit, plug-in and write or tweet. again, a great idea and very welcomed! There’s no doubt that this helped many people to share their ESRIUC experience with those following on the outside. I’m sure we’ll see this again this year.
Chances are good that many people will be using foursquare while at the ESRIUC this year. Now, hopefully people won’t checkin to every session room they hit in the SDCC, however, the occasional checkin from a cool venue will be interesting and helpful to others. If you hit a great party, like say the Federal reception or maybe an awesome vendor party, be sure to checkin and share some info. Esri has some plans for foursquare use at the UC (See HERE for more) and I’ve also noticed a few tips on foursquare placed by the ESRIUC team. Actually, team Esri has placed foursquare tips on ALL the venues offering attendees a discount on lunch on Monday. good job! Speaking of that, if you’re planning an event be sure to leave a tip at that venue to help people that are checking in. For example, on Sunday night we’re having a Tweet-Up at Dick’s. So, I’ve left a handy tip on the Dick’s last resort venue page (See on foursquare that describes briefly how people can win a prize simply by checking in and giving me a mention! You might consider something similar! Make sure you checkin from Dick’s when there and maybe we can get a SWARM going!
See also 2010 #ESRIUC Offering foursquare Mayors special stuff!
Related Articles:
- 10 Killer Resources For Listing your Business For Social Location Services
- Social Location Experiment – How Do 11 Popular Social Checkin Apps Stack up?
- Geo Social Location Checkin to Twitter from iPhone – So many choices
- Interesting Tweeple – 10 Geo Technology & Geo-Social Women of Twitter
From last year, other useful ways of using Twitter at the ESRIUC
- Sharing comments during sessions – something I found valuable was the comments that were flying around during sessions. Feedback was good and people even sent in questions for people to ask. I even had people send in requests to me to grab photos and videos of specific things.
- Sharing party tips and social events – I received a number of direct twitter messages from conference attendees wondering when and where some special events and parties were taking place. I was able to help out very easily via simple response ala Twitter.
- Project wins – I spoke to one attendee who noted that he had scored several project wins that he attributes directly to Twitter. a couple of contacts were made from people at the user conference. a great reason to Tweet!
- Followers – I not only gained a bunch of new followers while tweeting from ESRIUC (I can only imagine how many more I would have secured if I was showing up in the Twitter search results) but I also added loads of new followers that I stumbled onto on the ESRIUC stream – what a great way to find people to follow. I also found a number of companies and their official twitters, many of them I had no idea were Tweeting – hey companies, a reminder that you need to add a link to your Twitter acct from your website using a cool Twitter badge, and you also need to mention your Twitter name in your press and in your email signatures.
- staying in touch with Jr – this was my first conference experience bringing along my son. Twitter played a vital role to help us stay in touch. Cole (@coletham) was equipped with a Nokia 5800 smartphone, a data plan, Gravity Twitter client, and Qik for mobile uploads. Cole tweeted as he moved about San Diego’s Gaslamp and I would receive auto text alert notices – a very handy safety net that helped us both. heck, he even contributed tweets, photo uploads to Twitpic, and Qik videos to the #ESRIUC stream!
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