Going away to college might sound like a fun adventure at first, but once you get settled in, you start to realize you have a lot more responsibility now that you’re out on your own. It’s up to you to figure out what you’re having for dinner, keep track of assignment due dates, make sure you have clean clothes, and plan a productive day. These apps will help you make the most out of college life.
Note-Taking App
A good note-taking app like Evernote can help you organize and run your entire life, especially while you’re in college. Notes apps use virtual notebooks to organize information, making them ideal for storing class notes, thoughts you have on specific assignments, and photos of important documents such as your class syllabus. But depending on the app you choose, you can use it for so much more. Consider using your note-taking app to:
Keep a personal journal
Collect project ideas and inspiration
Save copies of your resume
Track your accomplishments
Manage your to-do lists
Create shopping lists
Study and Assignment-Related Apps
If you’re like most college students, then you’ll try any and all apps that promise to streamline your coursework and free up some of your time. Fortunately, there are several study and assignment-related apps you can use throughout your college career.
BenchPrep is an interactive course library that’s filled with graduate and professional exam study material.
iStudiez Pro tracks all of your assignments, deadlines, and grades in one place — and it integrates with your iCalendar.
StudyBlue Flashcards lets you use text, audio, and images to create the perfect deck of flashcards for your next study session.
EasyBib lets you scan the barcode on books and uses the information to create citations for your essays and papers.
Studious lets you upload your course schedule and then, automatically silences your phone during class hours. This way you’re not the one interrupting class while the professor is talking.
Time Management and Organization
When you have a full course load, it’s extremely important to learn how to manage your time wisely and stay organized. That’s why you should consider either using your notes app or another to-do list apps to keep track of everything you have to complete each day. Also, keep in mind that managing your to-do list is an easier task to accomplish when you don’t overload it. Consider keeping a to-do list for the day, week, and semester. Bookmark all the important pages and use an online bookmark manager to save them in different folders so that you can easily access the information you need at any point of time.
Another good college student app is OFFTIME that automatically blocks websites and distractions when you need to really focus. When you’re only working on one task, it takes less time to complete it.
Use a bookmark app, such as Instapaper or Pocket, to track online articles and blog posts you want to read later. Then, when you have some downtime, they are easy to find. Also, make sure you have a cloud storage option available. Google Drive and Dropbox are both good options.
Other Handy Apps
College isn’t all about schoolwork. You have plenty of downtime to do things you enjoy and hang out with your friends. So make sure you download Google Maps and a rideshare app to make it easy to get around. You might also want to download a food delivery app like DoorDash or UberEats so that you always have a snack for your late-night study sessions.
For many, transitioning to college life mean a huge adjustment. Fortunately, you can download any of these apps and more from the Google Play or iOS app store to help you stay on track with both your course work and your personal schedule.