Poor Blackberry, they just can’t catch a break it seems! Even with recent reports revealing about 0% US marketshare (Ouch!) they keep on persisting to try and stand up and then they just get knocked down again. In the latest blow to the company SILENT CIRCLE has hit back regarding the privacy of the Blackphone. […]
Blackberry in a Financial Freefall and Rolls Out the New Blackberry Z30
Too little too late for Blackberry indeed… imagine, in the same week that the company has reported a massive loss, huge employee cuts/layoffs, and yet we have a new Blackberry device coming to market, the Z30, which I find of interest is not even featured on their website and the Youtube video showing off the […]
Blackberry Unveils BlackBerry Z10 – UK Gets it First
Today is the day for Blackberry enthusiasts… the BB10 launch event (I’m still not holding my breath on this actually reviving the ailing smartphone maker!) The company has unveiled the latest platform and some new devices to tease you with… hey, they’ve even announced that Alicia Keys is the official “Creative Director” for Blackberry – […]
Migrate from Blackberry to Android or iPhone with BerryMover
Here’s an interesting app available to mobile device users bailing on their loyalty with Blackberry – BerryMover transfers your BlackBerry contacts, calendar, tasks, notes, text messages and other data over to your iPhone and Android… Reclaim all the data stuck on your old BlackBerry and view it in BerryMover. Import contacts and appointments; view individual […]
Unlimited BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) from Boost Mobile Just $30, sort of!
I’m sure there’s still a couple of Blackberry fans out there (although I have to scratch my head in wonder), and for those of you who are, Boost Mobile has announced some pretty sweet pricing coming up for plans that will include the new BB 9310 Messenger (the device will roll out for $99 soon). […]
RIM Telling Apple to Wake Up?? Wow…
Really… seriously??? RIM is telling Apple to wake up? Given the current state of RIM you have to wonder how these guys have the nerve to tell anyone to do anything. And for the protest (in Australia) , Wake up? Wake up for what? Does anyone actually have a clue as to what this was […]
The darned Blackberry Isn't working Again… A Classic!
This BBC video is a classic and an old favorite of mine… you have to think that this past week that Ronnie has gotten loads of attention from this once again. Enjoy…
eBLASTER Mobile – A solution to Monitor Mobile activity to curb London riot activity?
With the shocking events transpiring on the streets of London and other UK cities recently the demand for mobile solutions designed to trace the communications of Blackberry device users has come up. One Florida based company has come up with a solution that does just that. eBLASTER Mobile for Blackberry (also available for Android) is […]
ArcGIS + SimpleGeo to Build an Enterprise Class Checkin Widget for Blackberry Playbook Tablet
The Webmapsolutions gang have been doing some really cool, cutting edge work developing mobile apps and services with the ArcGIS APIs for Blackberry. Using an ArcGIS API vi a custom app developed to run on Blackberry Playbook, the guys at Webmapsolutions have created a custom tool using the Playbook’s built in GPS to make a […]
Video ArcGIS Air App Running on Blackberry Playbook via Flex API
Recall that Matt Sheehan and crew from Webmapsolutions.com has been working on app development with the Blackberry Playbook – see the article Flex 4.5 BlackBerry PlayBook & Geolocation. Since publishing that piece Matt has been hard at it and has continued developing for the Playbook. Most recently, they’ve completed the first phase of development on […]