Freelancing is rapidly gaining popularity. Writing texts to order for money, translating from a foreign language, remotely processing photos, and so on – today the Internet offers a lot of opportunities to make money while allowing you to plan your own time.
1 Why the popularity of freelancing is growing
2 Copywriting: writing articles to order.
3 What skills and knowledge should a copywriter have
4 Writing articles to order: where to start
5 Advantages and disadvantages of such work
Why is freelancing growing in popularity?
Now more and more people are thinking about working as a freelancer Freelancing has some advantages, which explains the growth in its popularity at the moment:
- Availability of free time. A freelancer is not tied to an office and a work schedule of 9 am to 6 pm five days a week. He receives an order where a deadline is set, or he can set deadlines on his own. This is a great opportunity for people to plan their time in the most productive way because someone is much more comfortable sleeping until lunchtime, but effectively working until the middle of the night.
- Freelancers find orders and customers independently, that is, they choose the projects for their work that are most interesting to them, in which they are well versed. This is one of the undeniable advantages of doing work not only for financial reward but also for pleasure.
- Setting their own rates for their work. Freelancers have an opportunity to set their own price and decide for themselves whether or not to accept this or that order.
- A freelancer receives his financial reward to the extent he has earned it himself. He cannot be fined by his boss for being late or be deprived of a bonus for poor quality work. This is a person who knows the value of his labor.
- Combination of several professions. Many of us have a profession and a hobby. If you are an excellent writer, you can help people when they ask to write my paper for me.
Freelancing has a lot of advantages, which is why it develops day by day. It’s much more interesting to do what you love outside the office and get a good financial reward for it.
Copywriting: writing articles to order
Copywriting is a professional activity that consists of creating unique and interesting texts and their placement on the Internet. You can also be a demanded professional at home.
Internet resources are filled with thematic content – the creation of content that will be interesting to the user is engaged in a professional copywriter. To keep visitors on your resource, its content should be relevant, constantly updated, to interest the reader.
Therefore, copywriters who can work with large amounts of information, beautifully put words into sentences, produce unique and relevant texts – these are professionals who are in price today.
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To increase the attendance of your resource, special “turnkey” texts are created, that is, this content, which includes key phrases from frequently occurring queries of search engines. Such articles are called SEO texts.
Copywriting is divided into several types:
- rewriting;
- image copywriting;
- advertising texts;
- SEO-copywriting.
The easiest way to earn money is rewriting. Its essence is the processing of existing text, the final result should have a high level of uniqueness.
In other words – it is just a rewritten text in other words.
Here an important role is played by a high level of uniqueness, as such resources get into the top search engines, which increases the attendance of these sites.
Image copywriting is a rather complicated kind of writing craft, which requires experience, knowledge of the basics of marketing and psychology. The aim of any image content is to create a positive image of the company, brand, describing services, products with the advantageous side so that potential customers immediately have a desire to use the services or buy the product.
As a rule, large companies cooperate with whole agencies, which will help to create the image and due to that attract a large part of clients.
Advertising texts are created only for a commercial purpose. Their main task is to sell a product or service. On the Internet now buy and sell, so sales and promotional texts are very highly valued.
Advertising texts are created for commercial purposes only. Their main task is to sell a product or service. On the Internet now buy and sell, so sales and promotional texts are very highly valued.
Everyone knows that sales on the Internet now occupy the lion’s share, so the income from writing this kind of promotional content for copywriters brings a good income.
Online stores are always trying to supplement the site with accompanying texts in addition to photographs, which are advertising to increase sales.
SEO copywriting is one of the most difficult and in-demand segments of custom writing.
Here it is important not only to distribute keywords evenly in the text but also to insert them organically so that the reader does not realize that the text was created to promote the top of results.
Creating really high-quality and interesting SEO texts – this is the sign of a professional copywriter, and one high-quality and interesting text can be quite expensive.
What skills and knowledge a copywriter should have?
A copywriter must love, and, most importantly, be able to write competently and beautifully If you want to succeed in this professional field, here is a list of the main qualities that a copywriter must possess:
- Knowledge of grammar, punctuation, and the ability to express your thoughts beautifully – this is the basis on which your entire professionalism will be held. But if at the beginning of your career you have “sloppy” texts with a lot of mistakes, it is not a reason to step back, because with experience comes the ability to write really good texts, and your grammar and punctuation can be checked with the help of special programs.
- Punctuality, the ability to organize yourself. Being able to submit your orders on time is one of the positive qualities of a good copywriter. Customers do not like procrastination and endless requests to extend the deadline, so if you are not sure that the deadline can be really qualitative text, it is better to refuse such an order.
- Before you agree to fulfill an order, you should carefully read the terms of reference from the customer. Each text, especially if you are a beginner copywriter, should be elaborated in compliance with the ToR in detail. In this case, you will be able to quickly establish yourself as a professional and even find a few regular customers.
- The ability to quickly understand the topic and work with large volumes of information. Writing articles to order involves creating unique content on a variety of topics. A big plus will be the ability to quickly understand a new topic and create an interesting text. Even if you are not strong in any area, on the expanses of the Internet there is a lot of information on a given topic, which you can become useful in creating a text.
- Accessibility. Customers should be easy and convenient to contact you. This applies to both the need to refine the material, and the ability to offer you a profitable order.
These are the main qualities that a copywriter should have.
Of course, in addition to this, you should be able to value your own and other people’s time, be responsible, honest, conscientious, operative, and erudite.
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To write articles to order: where to start
The first step to start is to register on one or more sites, which are article exchanges. Here you will find a large number of customers who are ready to offer work to both beginners and experienced copywriters.
Start with the registration on the exchanges of copywriters Popular to date exchanges articles:
- Advego;
- Copylancer;
- Neotext;
- Smart-Copywriting.
These exchanges, which work on the Internet for 10 years or more. Each of the portals has an established group of customers and performers.
This is a great place to get your first orders and to try yourself as a copywriter.
You should be prepared that in the beginning, you will have to write for a minimum price. But the more high-quality texts you write, the higher your rating, positive feedbacks, and experience will be.
So over time, you’ll be able to perform more complex and expensive orders, get regular customers.
It is best to register with several exchangers to understand where you prefer to work.
Each of the portals has its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, so it is better to make a couple of test orders on several sites to compare them, so then stop your choice and start actively working in one or another exchange of articles.
Advantages and disadvantages of such work
Any professional activity has both positive and negative sides.
Copywriting is actively developing today, so it is worth noting the advantages and disadvantages of this craft.
Working in a familiar environment and waking up when you want to – this is the dream of many
- No regime. A copywriter can write texts at any time of the day that is convenient for him. No alarm clock, no need to go to the office by 9 a.m. five days a week through numerous traffic jams.
- No bosses. A freelancer is his own boss, a person who divides his time independently, chooses the most attractive orders, and reports directly to the customer about the work done.
- Opportunities for career growth. Talented and professional copywriters can also find a really high-paying job since today many companies and advertising agencies are in search of such employees. Therefore, if you approach the execution of each order responsibly, you can not only earn yourself a fairly comfortable life but also find yourself a full-time job with a convenient schedule and good financial remuneration.
- To start working as a copywriter, you don’t need an obligatory red diploma of higher education, years of experience and to live in the center of Moscow. You can work remotely from any provincial town in our country without any experience or specialized education. This is a great opportunity to start a new life for everyone.
Copywriting, as one of the segments of freelancing, has many positive qualities. But the main thing is desire and persistence, and it is on these “whales” that all success in writing for money rests. However, copywriting, like any other activity, has a second side of the coin, which is worth mentioning.
The main thing is not to go wild and become a recluse.
- Stress. Working with people always requires stress resistance, because rarely are there really understanding and adequate customers who can clearly articulate what they want to get from a copywriter. You should be prepared for the fact that a seemingly perfect text will be sent to the customer for revision, and in the end, may refuse to pay for your work. Therefore, the ability to contain their emotions and not to worry about minor matters – is one of the main qualities that any freelancer should have.
- Disorder and health problems. Freelancers do not have a clear daily routine, they always have the opportunity to sleep in longer, but if suddenly there is an urgent order, they will have to work on it to the detriment of their rest. Sitting at the computer, sometimes for 10-12 hours, negatively affects their health. In any case, whatever occupation you choose, you should think about your health first of all and by all means, give your body time for rest.
3.Gradual transformation into a sociophobe. Working in an office, a store, a mall is always a live communication with people, the desire to look good every day coming to work. Freelancers are people who can do without live communication, and gradually such a person loses his circle of communication, remaining one-on-one with his work. Here it is important to learn how to work in a network, but also not to go with your head into the virtual world, not to lose contact with your loved ones.
Copywriting is a relatively new type of freelancing, which is actively developing today.
Filling the sites with qualitative and interesting content is an activity that is not only interesting but also well paid.
Everyone can start writing texts to order, for this is enough to have a computer with an Internet connection and a mad desire to master this side of virtual life.