Updated ArcGIS Map Layers and New Map With AI Tools Are Now Available for OSM Mappers
Introducing the ohsome OSM History Analytics Platform
The big spatial data analytics team at HeiGIT is currently developing the ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform. Our aim is to make OSM’s full-history data more easily accessible for various kinds of data analytics tasks on a global scale.
Mapillary and OpenStreetMap offer new tool for humanitarian projects
via the Mapillary blog — The Mapillary Humanitarian Mapping Kit, in Partnership with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
OpenStreetMap National Conference in Seattle
Presentations Spotlight Critical Role of Free Map Data in Humanitarian Work
OSM Tip – Open Route Service Wheelchair Routing
Open Route Service Wheelchair Routing – Plan your wheelchair-accessible trip through the city
OpenStreetMap Founder Steve Coast Joins MapJam As Advisor
San Francisco (May 11, 2016) – MapJam, Inc. announced that OpenStreetMap (OSM) Founder Steve Coast has joined MapJam as an Advisor. Coast is a highly regarded voice in the open source and mapping communities. When he was exposed to the creative approach MapJam has taken with the use of OSM vector mapping tiles he joined […]
Citee Fashion, OSM Maps of Your Favorite City Made Fashionable
Here’s a feel good tip about a clever UK company that has taken OSM maps from around the World and created a fashion statement.
OSM Mapathon for Ecuador Earthquake at Heidelberg University on Thursday April 21st
An update via the GIS Science news blog
Event Tip – GIS in HIgher Ed. Humanitarian Mapathon
The University of Northern Colorado and ESRI are sponsoring a Humanitarian Mapathon in conjunction with the GIS in Higher Education Summit which takes place the following day. This event is *open to the public*
Hot off the Press! The Book of OSM, now available
Just in time for the holidays, The Book of OSM by Steve Coast is now available