Esri has churned out a public news map highlighting some of the data and social media news updates (tweets, photos, videos) from Colorado revealing the extent of the Colorado flood situation. You can jump directly to the newsmap HERE or continue reading and browse it below… stay safe Colorado!
Note: I also offer up some comments and questions as to why we have such a long way to go in having access to real-time information that we need!
Comments from Glenn:
Its always so interesting trying to get good, simple to use, effective web mapping and data when you really need it, although I hardly have to tell you that I’m sure! A case in point, look at the flooding in Colorado. Why is it that anyone can’t easily go to the web and find a web map service that could accomplish the following:
– identify my area of interest (like my home)
– view a simple topo basemap, particularly contours and elevation data along with stream gage location and links to real time datafeeds from that station
– THEN I really want to model flooding scenarios for my home or neighborhood.
– I want to know what the stream height is and what it might be in 24 hours
– THEN I want to see a possible flood scenario when the stream reaches 10 ft, 12 ft etc… showing exactly the areas that will be inundated with water
– Finally, if I can then determine that when river X reaches a stream height of Y THEN it is likely that I need to get the hell outta my home. Even better, I’d like to then setup an alert of notification system that would alert me via text message when the situation has reached a certain level.
Most of this information is already out on the web, however, its NOT all together in an easy to find place, the usability is really bad and not effective for Joe public to use.
We have a long way to go!
Glenn @gletham