A Mashable report showed that 75% of American mobile users plan to use their device for online shopping, 42% intend to purchase big and small ticket items, and 32% are inclined in using mobile mobile apps. The data also reported that 73% of the respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with their smartphone shopping experiences, while 69% said they prefer their tablets when shopping. In the perspective of entrepreneurs, marketers from Let’s Get Wise (@letsgetwise) tweeted one of their blog articles outlining the power of mobile device to drive sales. It was supported by the latest Deloitte Media Survey revealing that £15 billion ($25 billion) of sales was driven by information found on smartphone in the United Kingdom alone. It generates online and offline sales. For the consumers, its convenience is said to influence our decision when purchasing.
In this post, we’ll feature five mobile applications that will assist you in finding the best local deals. Continue reading the full article HERE