According to Comscore, the Number of Americans Who Own Smartphones Surpasses 150 Million. 152.5 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones (63.8 percent mobile market penetration) during the three months ending in November, up 3 percent since August. Apple ranked as the top OEM with 41.2 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers (up 0.5 percentage points from August). Samsung ranked second with 26 percent market share (up 1.7 percentage points), followed by Motorola with 6.7 percent, LG with 6.5 percent and HTC with 6.4 percent.
Overall, Apple is winning as the OEM provider of choice with a 40.7% marketshare, however, Android is leading the smartphone platform race with 51.6% marketshare. Android ranked as the top smartphone platform in November with 51.9 percent market share (up 0.3 percentage points), followed by Apple with 41.2 percent (up 0.5 percentage points), BlackBerry with 3.5 percent, Microsoft with 3.1 percent and Symbian with 0.2 percent.
Comscore also announced the top mobile apps and smartphone properties. Google Sites ranked as the top web property on smartphones, reaching 86.7 percent of the mobile media audience (mobile browsing and app usage), followed by Facebook (84.9 percent), Yahoo Sites (79.4 percent) and Amazon Sites (72.5 percent). Facebook ranked as the top smartphone app, reaching 76.2 percent of the app audience, followed by Pandora Radio (52 percent), Google Play (51.6 percent) and Google Search (50.4 percent).
Top apps include: facebook mobile app, pandora radio, Google Play, Google Search, Youtube, Gmail, and Google Maps