What do the USGS, Bloomberg, USA Today, the United Nations, the National Park Service, the FBI and others have in common? All of these well known orgs rely on MAPublisher software from Avenza systems to help them create and author awesome maps for their clients, customers, and the public. At R. 9.4 MAPublisher boasts loads […]
NOAA printed maps may be replaced by the PDF
An interesting read, albeit not a huge surprise, from myfoxny that touches on the topic of NOAA doing away with printed nautical charts. This from the article… The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Tuesday that to save money, the government will stop turning out the traditional brownish, heavy paper maps after mid-April. See the […]
PDF Maps 2.0 for iOS the ultimate travel companion!
Just in time for getting outside this fall or fall the busy fall data collection season, PDF Maps for iOS has just rolled out a major release – this version (2.) incorporates loads of great new functionality as suggested by the user community. Unique to the space, this is indeed the first and only geospatial […]
PDF Maps beta for Android now available from Avenza
Great news for Android fanatics and developers as Avenza Systems has rolled out their PDF Maps for Android (Beta). From the company… Avenza is pleased to announce that the PDF Maps beta for Android is now available. We have been working diligently to get support on Android and are pleased to offer a public beta […]
A Resource Devoted to PDF Maps for iOS
Learn all about PDF Maps, search and download map, become a PDF Maps vendor – Another fabulous resource for GeoGeeks and GeoTechs is something new from our friends at Avenza Systems. The crew has rolled out a new resource on the web at http://www.pdf-maps.com devoted to Avenza PDF Maps. The site informs you all about […]
WOW! Avenza MAPublisher 9.1 Adds Export to HTML5 web maps
What do the City of Amsterdam, the USGS, and the City of Toronto have in common? Well, besides having awesome web sites, these are all clients and users of Avenza Systems’ MAPublisher software, a tool that enables them to author, create and share awesome maps with the public. No doubt if you’re in the mapping […]
KMZ/KML Placemarks of 2012 London Olympics for PDF Maps and Google
Looking for 2012 Olympic POIs? Avenza systems, developers of PDF Maps (think mobile maps for iOS) has created and served up some downloadable placemark datasets, ideal for users of the free PDF Maps mobile mapping application. FYI, the PDF Maps app uses the convenient KML/KMZ file format to import/export and exchange placemark data between and […]
Monetize Your Awesome Maps in the PDF Maps Store
You may have noticed the news today from Avenza touting the number of developers (100+) now using their online Map Store – think iTunes shop for Maps. this is an awesome revenue generating activity that anyone who creates awesome maps should consider using. It can easily complement your business as a fantastic way to share […]
Avenza PDF Maps Featured On Discovery Channel, Planet You
This awesome as our good friend and colleague Ted Florence, CEO of Avenza Systems gets some awesome air time on the Discovery Channel program Planet You. Ted shows off PDF Maps and touts the merits of working with mobile devices like iPad or iPhone in a disconnected environment. I love how the host brings up […]
Avenza PDF Maps for iOS Adds KML and Dropbox Support
A reminder to you iPad and iOS users out there about another fabulous and free map reader available to you, the PDF Maps application for iOS from Avenza Systems. Much more than a simple map viewer, Avenza also provides power users with the ability to create, publish, share, and even sell your custom maps! Using […]