A webinar of interest coming up shortly, hosted by DigitalGlobe
28 October 2015
7:00 – 7:30pm MDT (GMT-06:00)
Accessing the new SWIR information in WorldView-3 can be as simple choosing the proper Red-Green- Blue band composite for display. But, to best extract the unseen, or non-literal, information from WV-3 data, one must use spectral techniques that are more similar to hyperspectral methods than multispectral. This presentation will be a survey of early case studies, and demonstrate a range of methods that you can use immediately. The results enable improved decision making for natural resource, science, and business applications.
WorldView-3 (WV-3) is a sensor for natural resource, science, and business applications. Its new capabilities look beyond the image pixels, and into materials, minerals, moisture content, infrastructure, and disturbance. All this is done at unprecedented high spatial resolution. For example, patterns of certain minerals are pathfinders to discovering ore deposits. Improved knowledge about surface minerals benefits both exploration and environmental monitoring.
Accessing the new SWIR information in WorldView-3 can be as simple choosing the proper Red-Green- Blue band composite for display. But, to best extract the unseen, or non-literal, information from WV-3 data, one must use spectral techniques that are more similar to hyperspectral methods than multispectral.
This presentation will be a survey of early case studies, and demonstrate a range of methods that you can use immediately. The results enable improved decision making for natural resource, science, and business applications.