The internet is a great resource when carrying out any form of research. You may need access to many websites for your work or it may be that you are studying for one or multiple exams. In the past, you might have referred to encyclopedias, archived news reports, and libraries. This was incredibly time-consuming.
With search engines, information can be a matter of minutes or even seconds away. Fact-checking becomes simple and references can be found by typing in a few words and checking against a handful of websites.
Sometimes this isn’t possible though and that is when a VPN can help.
For what reason might you not be able to get online?
Most of you enjoy freedom in your lives to make your own choices, vote for who you want to be elected, and can browse the internet whenever you want. Not everyone is free to do these things though.
China, Iran, Turkey, and other countries restrict access to the internet and users there do not have the ability to access the same websites as Americans do.
How can you access these sites?
A VPN can allow a user to mask their IP address and secure the data that is sent between their device and any websites they visit. By changing the address to another country it can allow access to restricted websites.
Why would you want to access restricted websites?
There are many types of restricted sites and therefore different reasons for wanting access to them. In some countries, it may be that a reporter cannot gain access to important worldwide news and is hamstrung on his research.
In other regions, it may be difficult to access Facebook and users cannot contact family overseas. If you were working overseas then social media would be important to your business too. Most restricted sites are not illegal; they are more likely to be deemed ‘dangerous’ by the authorities perhaps because they show a truth that these people want to hide.
Are there dangers of using a VPN in these countries?
Like any law, it is best to check locally what the restrictions are before attempting anything that may get you in trouble. There are maybe 10 countries that have banned VPNs but they can be a grey area. If a person were to get in trouble it would more likely be a local than an expat or tourist.
That is to say that if you were working in China for instance and needed to do some research online on sensitive websites then using a VPN is likely to be ok. Of course, there are always exceptions and care should be taken. If you were working in any restricted country then a VPN is the only way you will be able to carry on your research.
Browsing anonymously
Imagine that you were a writer or reporter investigating in a country that has strict internet access rules. It would be very hard to do any online research without being tracked. A VPN can let the researcher surf the net in anonymity. This is needed to avoid being hacked while abroad. The IP address is altered to that of the VPN server and the data transferred with encryption.
Activists in restricted countries need safety
In some countries where speaking out against brutal regimes or the monarchy leads to imprisonment it can be hard to bring about change. Leaders and activists can be found through their online posts and IP addresses. Using a VPN lets a user message through social media safely and receive information about other countries and support.
Research is needed for these people to discover the truths about their own country safely and again a VPN can help.
Using a VPN in your home country
Of course, it isn’t only sinister foreign governments that are watching people online. It may be that your own research could lead to you being watched closer than you prefer but also you may just wish to keep your browsing history private. The joy is that they are often free and can show you a range of options that are gratis.
If you were writing a paper on a sensitive subject then accessing websites regularly might flag up activity that might get you to put on a watch list. Using a VPN means you can study in private.
A VPN can allow people to research and view websites that are not allowed or may cause suspicion. This is not to suggest they should ever be used for anything illegal but merely so that browsing is safe and secure for professionals and reporters to see and print the truth. The USA has a lot of freedom but in other countries, a VPN might be vital just to see a site like Facebook.