As most of us GeoGeeks know, GIS takes its roots from a Canadian, Dr. Roger Tomlinson and the industry has much history and legacy from north of 49. So today we are glad to wish all of Canada a happy birthday and a happy, safe, and fun Canada Day!
Hitchbot, the GPS, 3G enabled robot is Hitching A Ride from Coast to Coast
This is one of those stories that I simply HAD to share, mainly because its completely covered in awesome sauce! We have a story of a robot, throw in some cool GSM and GPS technology, it starts off in my home Province of Nova Scotia, ends in my current city, Victoria, B.C. and involves a […]
YouthfulCi?ties: NEW Urban Decoder Internship Applicants Wanted
Here’s an interesting opportunity from the Youthful Cities program – YouthfulCities is recruiting our next batch of Urban Decoders from around the world.The program will be kicking off in Canada over the coming months. As an Urban Decoder you will be responsible for bringing YouthfulCities to life in your city. Your responsibilities include everything from […]
Global Geography community Will Miss Dr. Roger Tomlinson – the Father of GIS
A loss to the Community… regrets to share that Dr. Tomlinson has passed away… Tomlinson is generally recognized as the “father of GIS.” He is the visionary geographer who conceived and developed the first GIS for use by the Canada Land Inventory in the early 1960s. This and continuing contributions led the Canadian government to […]
Story Map Reveals Canada's Top 10 BIG Infrastructure Projects
We’ve all become fans of story maps – these often awesome, interactive, webmap driven infographics inform, educate and entertain us on a variety of topics. Once new story map to hit the web reveals 100 of the biggest infrastructure projects in Canada. Browse the map to see where these mammoth construction projects including waste water […]
Canada will try to extend its territorial claims in the Arctic and North Pole
An interesting announcement regarding some Arctic land claim issues… A formal scientific submission was made to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf last week covering 1.2 million square kilometres of territorial claims in the Atlantic, but the government says material submitted for the Arctic Ocean is only preliminary. Despite saying […]
Dalhousie University GIS Prof seeks solution to student ignorance of geography
A cool story on a popular topic that rears its head every year or so, students and their lack of geographic skills and understanding of the Earth. Imagine a group of Canadian University students not being able to locate the Atlantic Ocean on a map! Indeed, this is the state of geographic literacy in many […]
Update on Canada's Next Generation Open Data Portal
You may have heard or read recently that Canada has announced new/enhanced efforts in their position on Open government. This came in the form of a newly revised position and policy on OpenGov (see details) and an enhanced open government portal. The Open Data Portal is a one-stop shop for federal government data that can […]
The Geography and History of the Canada US Border explained
Ever wondered about that “imaginary” fence that exists for about 5000 KM separating Canada and the USA? Well, perhaps this new video will help explain things a little better… enjoy (Source of inspiration) The video makes light of the border, however, there’s some really interesting quirks that you may have wondered about… for myself, I’ve […]
Save the Rain App Calculates Your Saved Water with #opendata #apps4ottawa challenge
Find out how much water you could capture in a year– An innovative app from a fellow B.C GeoGeek, Mark Laudon @mapsRus can be found entered in the Apps4Ottawa OpenData Challenge competition. Simply put, the app uses a clever map UI (and some opendata) enabling users to calculate the amount of rain water that can […]